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Pro Tips - Sewer Gas

Pro Tips - Sewer Gas

By Garabedian Properties |

September 12, 2024

Do you have weird smells in secondary baths or in vacant homes? Usually this is sewer gas coming back out of the drains in sinks, tubs and showers.

With normal use sinks, toilets and drains have water in the traps (curved pipe under the drains) which keeps sewer gas from entering into the house.  If a room is not used for long periods of time this water can evaporate allowing the gas to enter into the room.  This is especially noticeable in vacant homes/buildings.

Run the water for a few minutes in the sink, faucet, tub/shower and flush the toilet.  Realtors you should also do this in your vacant listings.  Don't forget the sinks in the garage or in the outdoor living areas.

Proactively doing this once a month or so will help as well as well as keep faucets from stiffening up from nonuse.  Once the room airs out you should be good to go.

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